©2017 Alicia R Peterson, *Fire Circle*. Acrylic on 20-inch diameter convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.

Fire Circle

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© 2017 Alicia R Peterson, Fire Circle. Acrylic on 20-inch diameter convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.

My first convex work, FireCircle was completed after an extended percolating process. When it was birthed, I was so taken aback at its power, I sought a reprieve from the intensity needed to create this work. It was not until my first and most loyal collector saw this work in my studio and exclaimed in happiness how compelling this work was, that I became friends with this painting. And the rest is history. Heartfelt thanks to my collectors. Know you are forever part of my creative process.

This was painted before my fire adventures of 2018.

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