I am a storyteller without words. I paint our stories.

I throw I drip I flow
I don’t know what my story is anymore. I certainly don’t know what the world’s story is. I do know we need a new story, and I am determined to paint it.
Perhaps you, too, are feeling the reverberations of the chaos in our world. How will we find peace, equality, and health? How will we live as one? How will we know all our colors are beautiful?
My voice found light when I told my story on canvas.
I paint so that you, too, may hear your story. I paint to tell the evolving story of our world.
Featured Works
An invitation to find your story as you enter these paintings.
May you flow as the paint flows across the canvas.
May beauty bring you peace.
May space bring you expansion.
May color fill you with courage.
May the dance of light and shadow transmute you.