©2022 Alicia R Peterson, *Dancing with YInMn Blue*. Acrylic on 24 x 36-inch convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.

©2022 Alicia R Peterson, Dancing with YInMn Blue. Acrylic on 24 x 36-inch convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.

YInMn Blue, Painters’ Fright, and Transmuting Discord

©2022 Alicia R Peterson, *Dancing with YInMn Blue*. Acrylic on 24 x 36-inch convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.

©2022 Alicia R Peterson, Dancing with YInMn Blue. Acrylic on 24 x 36-inch convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.

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YInMn is a new blue! The first inorganic blue in 200 years.

It was discovered by chemist Dr. Mas Subramanian and his team during experiments with rare earth minerals and semi-conductors. YInMn blue is named after the elements it is made from: a mixture of yttrium, indium, and manganese oxides (Source: Golden Artist Colors, Inc.).

Well, you know I had to have it. I won’t tell you what it cost. YIKES!

I ordered YInMn blue the moment Golden Paints began manufacturing small batches of this rare paint. I waited and waited!

But to my surprise, I had painter’s fright the moment it arrived! I gazed at it in my studio for months, unable to pick it up to paint. I was frozen, totally intimidated by my fear of ruining a painting with this, oh, so pricey paint.

One day in the midst of discord in my neighborhood, I was in a deep funk. This time I stood tall, faced my fear, and embraced YInMn blue.

This custom pigment comes in a viscosity that I don’t usually use, the traditional heavy body paint. So, no, I could not sling this paint. But I could use my hands. No paint brushes for me.

I was in dire need of harmony. I repeated to myself over and over, “Paint peace, Alicia. You are peace. Paint your essence.” What emerged was a dance of turmoil and peace. A profound experience, mirroring our lives.



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