My largest painting to date, I consider this work my crowning glory. Read the story below to hear of its one-year creation cycle. © 2019 Alicia R Peterson, Jupiter Red Spots. Acrylic on 40-inch diameter convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.
A Painting Talks Back to its Creator: Alicia R Peterson

My largest painting to date, I consider this work my crowning glory. Read the story below to hear of its one-year creation cycle. © 2019 Alicia R Peterson, Jupiter Red Spots. Acrylic on 40-inch diameter convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.
Artist: (As I gaze upon the blank 40-inch circle canvas) Oh my, that is a lot of empty space. Maybe I am not ready. This is the largest canvas I have ever painted. Maybe I should walk away and come back. NO! You have been in the percolation stage for months, painting in your mind’s eye on this canvas. Just start!
Painting: What is she waiting for? I have been empty for months. Everyone else has color on them.
Artist: Feel the creative juice rising up into your body.
Painting: Still waiting here.
Artist: That is too much empty space. I can’t do this.
Painting: I need paint!
Artist: Get out of your head, Alicia! Feel your feet grounding into Mother Earth. Surrender and let the paint flow. Just start now!
Painting: The liquid paint is flowing all over me. My colors are swirling and mixing. Oh, this is ecstasy.
Artist: Oh, what glory on my canvas. Damn, I am exhausted.
Painting: I am not complete.
Artist: The edges are off, and the peripheral is too empty. I don’t know what to do. But, oh, the center is so glorious. The work in not complete.
Painting: Finish me NOW!
Artist: Listen to the wisdom of Stan Brodsky in your head. If you are uncertain if a work is finished, WALK AWAY!
Painting: I am hanging in the studio and I am not whole. Why does she come in every day and just stare at me for what seems like hours? Why doesn’t she finish me?
Artist: I don’t know how to complete this work.
Painting: I am not complete.
Artist: It’s time. I have been contemplating finishing this work for months. Alicia, get a grip and start.
Painting: But I am so beautiful in the center! What if you mess me up and destroy my beauty?
Artist: Jump off the cliff of creation and risk destroying this work.
Painting: I am scared.
Artist: I am scared I will destroy beauty.
Artist: Just put paint on the canvas. Stop thinking!
Painting: This new paint does not fit; it does not feel good.
Artist: Failure! Take the paint off and start again another day.
Painting: I am getting tired of this—paint on, paint off. What is wrong with her? She has been working on my sides and edges for months. When will I be complete?
Artist: [Grumbling, cussing, and sighs!] I have been working the edges and sides for months. Putting paint on, taking paint off.
Painting: What is wrong with her?
Artist: What is wrong with me?
Artist: I need help. Another set of eyes on this work.
Painting: Why is that strange artist looking at me? What? She wants Alicia to do what? Subtle color wash. I want to be loud, not quiet!
Artist: Ok, this is it. Paint quiet. Paint a whisper of colors.
Painting: Oh, how soft and warm.
Painting: I am complete!
Artist: I am complete!
Alternate View. © 2019 Alicia R Peterson, Jupiter Red Spots. Acrylic on 40-inch diameter convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.