©2020, Alicia R Peterson, Joy. Acrylic on 36-inch diameter convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer. $2900. In the spirit of joy, I am offering this work at special pricing.
Painting Joy

©2020, Alicia R Peterson, Joy. Acrylic on 36-inch diameter convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer. $2900. In the spirit of joy, I am offering this work at special pricing.
Inert in winter midnight I sleep
Longing for light
I excavate light within and find spring
Planting seeds with paint

I have been holding on to this painting for over a year, basking in its radiance. Joy is the anchor of my meditation corner.

Work is signed on the side of painting. (It’s the only time I have done this.)
May our world blossom.
©2017 Alicia R Peterson, Winter Circle. Acrylic on 12-inch diameter convex canvas. Photographer: Peter Scheer.
On view and for sale at Gallery North. Contact Gallery North for purchase.
(631) 751-2676 or info@gallerynorth.org
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