©2022 Alicia R. Peterson, Discoloration. Edge detail. Acrylic on 20-inch diameter convex circle. Photographer: Artist
Painting the Weight of the World, Painting the Light of the World

©2022 Alicia R. Peterson, Discoloration. Edge detail. Acrylic on 20-inch diameter convex circle. Photographer: Artist
I feel heavy in my soul. Uncharacteristic for me, I feel despair for our future.
I struggle to paint but paint I must. As I paint, I return to my dominion, my internal sparkle, and I find hope. I share this with you.
May you know your dominion, your sparkle, and share with our world.
Glimpses of work in process. You will be the first to see them when they are finished.
©2022 Alicia R. Peterson, Discoloration. Detail. Acrylic on 20-inch diameter convex circle. Photographer: Artist
A work about cognitive decline in my mother… There is more to the story, but I am not ready to share yet. I started this painting after a recent joyful and sad visit.

Hope, sadness, longing for spring and sparkle. ©2022 Alicia R Peterson, Pastoral. Detail. Acrylic on 18-inch diameter convex circle. Photographer: Artist
©2022 Alicia R Peterson, Soul of the Meadow. Detail. Acrylic on 20 x 16-inch convex oval. Photographer: Artist
©2022 Alicia R Peterson, Underneath. Detail. Acrylic on 30-inch diameter convex canvas. Photographer: Artist
Angst. I will work more on this, but for now I’ve put it away. ©2022 Alicia R Peterson, Untitled. Detail. Acrylic on 36 x 18-inch convex oval. Photographer: Artist
Yes, I find solace at Long Island Sound even in the cold. Photographer: Thomas Arsenault
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