Alicia R Peterson with the tiny art connoisseurs
At the opening reception of “Permutations” at the Alfred Van Lowen Gallery, my anxiety was rising. It was 45 minutes into the “Meet the Artists” and not a single soul was there. And, yes, I was anxious even before the opening.
Out of the blue, a tiny boy, perhaps 3 years old, ran in front of my painting, Jupiter Red Spots. He stood still—mesmerized. Then he ran over to the desk where my business cards were stacked, and grabbing a card, ran back to stare at the same painting.
As I walked over to talk to him, he proudly held up the card and declared, “Match!” Yes, the card matched the painting. I was thunderstruck! The star of the show was a tiny art connoisseur. I spent glorious minutes talking to this precious little one about how I painted this work.
His big sister got into the art appreciation groove too, and what a joy! Thank you to his family who stepped back and let this art discovery happen.
I consider the opening a success! My art was seen and explored.
And, yes, many folks came after this to support the artists and behold beauty.
The show runs until the end of June. Don’t miss it.
South Huntington Library
145 Pidgeon Hill Rd.,
Huntington Station, NY 11746
Paintings by Puneeta Mittal & Alicia R Peterson
5/6 – 6/28
Curated by Deborah Katz
Open during library hours
631-549-4411 (call for hours)
To see a video of the show, the link is below:

Art touches us in so many ways
Alicia R Peterson on
Loved this !!! I’m always impressed by the young children how they respond to art. Yours was definitely a big hit!
Deborah Katz on